Guardian Group, LLC

A matter of right and wrong

Guardian Group was founded because we are tired of seeing timeshare corporations take advantage of people. We know firsthand the darker side of the timeshare industry from the unscrupulous business practices of many timeshare agencies as well as the resale companies that formed in response to the ever-growing number of legal complaints and negative stories about timeshare companies. While these resale businesses claimed to be the way out they only served to cause further financial loss and more headaches. The Guardian Group is committed to freeing our clients from this trap once and for all.

Who we are

Complex contracts are a barrier to getting out of a timeshare, as they render owners confused about the consequences of leaving. To break down this barrier, we have assembled a savvy team with extensive experience. As soon as you consult us, our team will read through your contract, identify your options, and advise you on what to do. Even if you decide not to purchase our services, we are happy to provide this advice. Don’t let a bad deal continue to cost you your hard-earned money.

What we do

Whether you’re a new owner with one property or are juggling multiple timeshares, we can get you out of your agreement on favorable terms. We are committed to eliminating any debt you have for the property, as well as mortgage payments, maintenance fees, and other continuous expenses. Regardless of the amount you owe, the date you signed the contract or the nature of the property, we know how to find a way out.

Our qualifications

Even when purchased under the best of circumstances, timeshares can quickly become an economic deadweight. Between property taxes, maintenance fees, mortgage payments, and other expenses, a timeshare may cost you more than you bargained for, all for a property you can only use part of the year. The Guardian Group is committed to getting you out of your timeshare as quickly and inexpensively as possible. With our help, you can cut your losses with minimal cost and even less trouble.

  Cancel your timeshare today!  1-800-333-4444

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